Relief Fund Announces $10M Hurricane Sandy Family Support Program


NEW YORK, January 10, 2013 – The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund, in conjunction with Cantor Fitzgerald and BGC Partners, announced its Hurricane Sandy Family Support Program to provide $10 million to thousands of families in Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Staten Island, and New Jersey who were severely impacted by Hurricane Sandy.
The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund is “adopting” 19 elementary schools throughout these communities and will be distributing a $1,000 Payoneer® prepaid debit card to each family from the selected schools, beginning January 10 and extending into early March.
“We understand the tremendous loss that has shaken so many families, and are committed to provide money directly to those in need,” said Howard W. Lutnick, Chairman and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, L.P. and BGC Partners, Inc.
Allison Lutnick, Mr. Lutnick’s wife, said “We created the Relief Fund’s school adoption program to help families in communities that were among the hardest hit by the storm, and which many of Cantor’s and BGC’s employees care deeply about and some call home.”
Edie Lutnick, Executive Director of the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund, said “We learned from the tragedy of 9/11 how important it is to provide support directly to people who are suffering.” She added that Cantor Fitzgerald and BGC Partners are matching all donations to the Cantor
Fitzgerald Relief Fund for Hurricane Sandy assistance.
Mr. Lutnick said, “On our annual Charity Day, Cantor Fitzgerald and BGC donate 100% of their revenues to the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund and over 150 charities globally each year. The support of our clients, brokers and employees who waive their pay on Charity Day, and the many celebrity guests who help make Charity Day a success, enable us to assist victims of Hurricane Sandy and support many other charities globally.” Mr. Lutnick said “Local politicians
and school officials in both New York and New Jersey have been true partners in our school adoption program.” He also gave special thanks to Payoneer® for graciously donating their debit card services, and expressed gratitude to his sister Edie for her leadership of the Relief Fund, his wife Allison for spearheading the Relief Fund’s school adoption program, and the Relief Fund’s all-volunteer team for their dedication and commitment.

Our ‘Adopted’ Schools
Coney Island: PS 329, PS 288, PS 188 and PS 90
Brighton Beach: PS 253

Far Rockaway: PS 43 and PS 256
Belle Harbor/Breezy Point: PS 114

Long Island
Long Beach: Blackheath Road Pre-K Center, East Elementary School, Lido Elementary School, Lindell Elementary School and West Elementary School

Staten Island
Midland Beach: PS 38
South Beach: PS 52

New Jersey
Union Beach: The Memorial School
Keansburg: Port Monmouth Road School, Joseph C. Caruso School, Joseph R. Bolger Middle School

Corporate Match
Donations may be made by check to the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund, ATTN: Hurricane Sandy Relief, 110 East 59th Street, New York, NY 10022, online through PayPal at, or credit card by calling (212) 829-4770. Cantor Fitzgerald, BGC Partners, and the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund Cantor Fitzgerald, BGC Partners, and the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to assisting victims of terrorism, natural disasters and emergencies, have a legacy of assisting families after losing 658 of Cantor’s 960 New York employees in the World Trade Center attacks, and have provided the families of our employees who perished on 9/11 with over $180 million.
In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Cantor Fitzgerald and BGC offered emergency financial aid of up to $1,000 to each of Cantor and BGC employees who suffered losses beyond those covered by insurance. Cantor’s community of 9/11 families also were offered up to $1,000 to help with non-reimbursable storm losses.
For more information, please contact the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund at 212-829-4770 or